*** Minister inspects Al Nabih Saleh Island | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Minister inspects Al Nabih Saleh Island

Manama : Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Minister Essam Khalaf inspected Al Nabih Saleh Island in the eighth constituency of the Capital Governorate yesterday.

The Minister met inhabitants and representatives of public interest establishments and discussed with them possibility of implementation of projects within the domain of the Ministry.

During his visit, the Minister affirmed that the achievement of citizens’ needs will be within the overall integrated blueprints of the island, which will include classification of land, construction of new roads and rejuvenation of existing roads, in addition to the provision of healthcare, educational and entertainment services. He said the plan aims to achieve an ambitious integrated vision to meet the needs of all inhabitants, pointing out that the island’s urbanisation plan has almost been completed.

In the same context, the Minister said there are some challenges which might delay the implementation of the plan after its endorsement. This is due to the existence of large portions of lands in the island considered private or endowment property. For this purpose, Khalaf directed the Ministry officials to form a technical committee comprising representatives of inhabitants, the constituency’s MP, and Ministry officials, to follow up the provision of the requirements of implementation with all the relevant bodies, including governmental and private institutions.

The Minister was accompanied during his visit by the eighth constituency’s MP Dr Majeed Mohsen Al Asfoor, the Capital Governorate’s Board of Trustees’ Director General Shaikh Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, and the Capital Board of Trustees’ Chairman Mohammed Ali Al Khozaie.

The Ministry’s work team, including the Assistant Undersecretary for Roads, Assistant Undersecretary for Sanitary Engineering, the Director of Structural Planning Directorate, the Director of Planning and Roads Designing Directorate along with several Ministry officials also accompanied the Minister during the visit.