*** ----> Man Steals $30,000 for a Horse, Cries When Caught: "I'm Desperate" | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man Steals $30,000 for a Horse, Cries When Caught: "I'm Desperate"

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A man tricked another into believing he would buy a horse for $30,000 from a foreign country. However, he stole the money and never bought the horse. The victim then sued him.

The victim's lawyer said the defendant stole $30,000 from his client, the plaintiff, after promising to buy him a horse. Instead, the defendant kept the money and didn't buy the horse or return the money.

When confronted, the defendant claimed there was a problem in the country where the horse was supposed to be purchased. However, the plaintiff investigated and found the horse was never registered in his name. The defendant then broke down and confessed, claiming he stole the money due to difficult circumstances.

"The defendant misappropriated the money, causing harm to the plaintiff.
The money was movable property entrusted to the defendant based on an agency contract. The defendant had criminal intent, knowing the money belonged to the plaintiff and intending to keep it." the lawyer argued during the trial.

Therefore, the court found the defendant guilty of breach of trust and sentenced him to one year in prison. He was also required to pay a 500 dinar bail to suspend the sentence. The civil case related to this incident was referred to the appropriate civil court.