*** ----> Berkshire Hathaway Expert calls for Bahraini partnerships for food security | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Berkshire Hathaway Expert calls for Bahraini partnerships for food security

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

A top Berkshire Hathaway food security expert has called for Bahrain to follow in the footsteps of Angola to achieve food security, where the company gives farmers seeds and tools and buys their produce, "This helps create job opportunities and development within the country, and that’s what we want to do in Bahrain,” Dr. Peter Jankovics, Regional Business Manager and international food security expert at Berkshire Hathaway, told The Daily Tribune in an interview.

He also highlights that despite the growing need for food security, Bahrain has yet to prioritise the development of a robust domestic food production sector.

However, experts here warn against following such paths, urging prioritisation of the development of the domestic food production sector.

They argue that by investing in local food production, the country can enhance its food security, reduce its reliance on imports, and provide its population with access to high-quality, affordable food options.

Explaining further, Dr. Peter Jankovics says, “We give seeds and tools to Angola, and they produce the product, which we then buy, creating job opportunities and development within the country.”

“That’s what we want to do in Bahrain,” he adds, while calling for Bahrain to take a more proactive approach to food security.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Jankovics points out that currently over 90 per cent of the Kingdom’s food supply comes from other countries.

"This is a huge problem," Dr. Jankovics underlines, saying, “We've come here to help, but progress has been slower than expected.” He says the Gulf should address this issue with urgency.

“In seven years, the population will double, and it's growing faster than the food industry can provide enough food,” he warned. He also urges caution against relying on cheap imports for food security.

The expert noted that relying on cheap imported food items can also have negative health consequences for the population.

“People usually don’t go for high-quality food items; they go for the cheapest ones.

But that comes with high medical bills, as the negative effects don't show up immediately, but rather in the next generation,” he explained.

The solution

To address these challenges, Jankovics highlighted the potential for Bahrain to forge partnerships with companies like the Carrinho Group, Angola’s largest and fastest-growing agricultural company.

Such collaborations could help strengthen local economies, create job opportunities, and promote sustainable development.

“We produce everything from agriculture to commerce, including cotton, sugar, and rice, among others. We have our own facilities to process what we produce, as well as our own shops.

Carrinho has also started exporting the products we make,” Jankovics said.