*** ----> Barber shops keep blades busy, extend operating hours during Eid Al Adha holiday | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Barber shops keep blades busy, extend operating hours during Eid Al Adha holiday

TDT | Manama 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Barber shops across Bahrain are seeing a surge in business during the Eid Al Adha holiday, as customers flock in for grooming and a fresh look ahead of the festive occasion.

Shop owners are extending their hours to meet the high demand, often staying open late into the night, particularly on the day before Eid.

“Eid brings a flood of customers to my shop,” remarked Mohammed Saleem, a seasoned barber.

“The demand is overwhelming, so I have to extend my hours significantly. It’s impossible to accommodate everyone during regular business hours, hence I find myself working late into the night, especially on the eve of Eid.”

Saleem noted that Eid Al Fitr, the previous major Islamic holiday, typically sees even higher customer traffic compared to Eid Al Adha.

He attributed this to some customers being on Hajj pilgrimage during Eid Al Adha, while others take advantage of the holiday for travel.

Nevertheless, he emphasized that customer numbers remain notably high during Eid Al Adha.