*** ----> Scammer dupes clearance worker with seven iPhones worth BD7,000 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Scammer dupes clearance worker with seven iPhones worth BD7,000

TDT | Manama 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A clearance worker in Hoora fell victim to a cunning scammer who exploited his kindness. The scammer, posing as a client seeking assistance with a marriage contract, initially received helpful guidance from the victim.

However, the scammer later returned with a “gift” – an iPhone – which turned out to be a trap. Using the victim’s ID, the scammer, along with a complicit telecommunications employee, managed to extract seven iPhones and seven AirPods in the victim’s name without his knowledge.

“The victim only discovered the fraudulent activity when he visited the company to obtain a SIM card and was informed of the numerous devices registered under his name, amounting to a total of BD7,000,” the victim’s lawyer Sidiqa Al Muwali said.

“Despite the victim’s attempts to contact the scammer, the phone went unanswered, leading to a police report being filed against both the scammer and the employee,” she added.

The investigation revealed the scammer’s history of similar fraudulent activities, targeting victims with false stories to obtain mobile phones in their names.