*** ----> Court Reduces Sentence for Men Who Robbed Workers' Residence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Court Reduces Sentence for Men Who Robbed Workers' Residence

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Appeals Court has reduced the sentence of a young Bahraini man who, along with an accomplice, robbed a workers' residence and threatened three people inside. The court lowered the original five-year prison sentence to three years.

The incident occurred when the Asian workers heard a knock on their door around 10:45 p.m. One of the workers opened the door, allowing the two Bahraini men (aged 33 and 48) to enter, claiming to be security personnel.

The first man ordered the workers to turn towards the wall, sit on their feet, and place their hands behind their backs. He then restrained them with plastic handcuffs and threatened them with a knife, warning them not to resist, scream, or move.

Meanwhile, the second man searched the residence, stealing 46 dinars from the first worker's shirt pocket, 200 dinars and two phones from his bag, and a phone charger. He also took 400 dinars, and ATM cards from the second worker's wallet, two more phones from under his pillow in the bedroom, and 20 dinars from the third worker, along with toiletries.

After completing their robbery, the men fled the scene. The workers then sought help from someone outside the residence to remove the plastic handcuffs and subsequently reported the incident to the authorities.

The Public Prosecution charged the men with theft through coercion and threats. The High Criminal Court originally sentenced them to five years in prison, but one of the defendants appealed the verdict, leading to the reduced sentence by the Court of Appeal.