*** ----> Budaiya Port Restaurant Building: A Neglected Gem Awaits Restoration | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Budaiya Port Restaurant Building: A Neglected Gem Awaits Restoration

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The Budaiya Port restaurant building, with its breathtaking view of the sea and a direct line of sight to Saudi Arabia, has languished in disuse for 15 years. Despite its prime location and potential to draw tourists, the building has been abandoned, much to the concern of local officials and residents.
Mohamed Saad Al Doseri, a member of the North Area Municipal Council, has issued a call to action regarding the restaurant building. He has fielded numerous inquiries from investors keen on the project, yet the tenders remain unawarded. Moreover, the building's oversight has shifted from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture to the environmental authorities, introducing further complications.
Al Doseri speaks of the building’s remarkable appeal, citing its panoramic view and strategic position. He argues that neglecting such an asset is indefensible, particularly given its potential to invigorate tourism and generate revenue for the Kingdom. Years of neglect have taken a toll on the building's exterior, but Al Doseri remains confident that, with appropriate restoration and management, the structure can be rejuvenated and transformed into a bustling tourist destination.
Reopening the restaurant would not only draw visitors to the Budaiya area but also breathe a new lease of life into the port, creating a dynamic centre of activity. This vision aligns with successful transformations seen in neighbouring countries, where similar port areas have been revitalised into thriving tourist hotspots.
Restoring the Budaiya Port restaurant building presents an important opportunity to enhance the Kingdom's tourism sector and yield economic benefits. By addressing the bureaucratic challenges and executing a comprehensive restoration plan, this long-neglected gem can finally shine and live up to its full potential.