*** Expat Project Manager Wins Labor Case Against Construction Company | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Expat Project Manager Wins Labor Case Against Construction Company

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

An expatriate project manager has successfully sued a construction company in Bahrain for unpaid wages and overtime hours. The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, ordering the company to pay 16,000 BHD in compensation.

The plaintiff, who started working for the company in 2017, claimed that he was not paid his full salary, including overtime hours and allowances for working on official holidays. He also stated that the company failed to cover his medical expenses as stipulated in his contract.

The court confirmed the employment relationship between the parties and noted that the company had not provided evidence of paying the plaintiff's salary for December 2023 and January 2024. The court awarded the plaintiff 5,800 BHD for unpaid wages.

Regarding the claim for overtime hours, the court reviewed documents showing that the company was contracted by the Ministry of Housing to execute projects. The documents confirmed that the plaintiff worked 364 additional hours at night as a consultant on one of the projects. The court awarded the plaintiff 6,600 BHD for overtime pay.

The court also ordered the company to pay 3,300 BHD to the plaintiff for medical expenses incurred despite the contract requiring the company to cover such costs.

The company denied the plaintiff's claims for overtime and holiday pay, but the court ruled in favor of the plaintiff based on the evidence presented.