*** ----> Bahraini man sentenced to life for burning European woman’s body | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man sentenced to life for burning European woman’s body

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahraini man who killed a European woman and burned her body to ashes has been sentenced to life in prison by the High Criminal Court, presided over by Judge Bader Abdulateef Mohammed Al Abdullah.

The Public Prosecution had previously urged the judges to sentence him to the death penalty.

According to case details, the man had agreed with the victim, who was involved in prostitution, to engage in sexual activity.

Afterward, he prevented her from leaving due to concerns that neighbors might see her exiting his house. When she insisted on leaving, he forced her back into the bedroom, where he sat on her body and strangled her.

He then took her body to a remote area and burned it to eliminate any evidence.

The woman had made a distress call to 999, seeking help and indicating she was at a house near Sitra.

Earlier, a high-ranking officer at the Ministry of Interior revealed that no traces of the victim’s body were found.

The suspect allegedly burned and buried the woman’s body, a revelation that came during the officer’s testimony before the High Criminal Court.

The officer mentioned that he visited the area with a police dog unit in an attempt to locate the burial site mentioned by the defendant.

However, despite the defendant’s claims, no evidence of the corpse was discovered by the police dogs.

This case marks the first instance in which the defendant is being tried without the discovery of the victim’s body.

The defendant confessed in court to the crimes of killing, burning, and burying the woman.

Nevertheless, he justified his actions by citing a dispute between him and the victim. He claimed he did not intend to kill her and that he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs, which led to a state of hallucination.

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