*** ----> Doctor and two others face drug trafficking charges | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Doctor and two others face drug trafficking charges

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A dramatic police operation involving undercover officers and covert monitoring led to the arrest of a Bahraini doctor and two accomplices following a tip-off about a suspicious individual concealing a package under a drainpipe.

The investigation began after authorities tracked down a 34-year-old man’s vehicle based on intelligence.

He confessed to his involvement in drug trafficking during questioning and implicated two others — a 24-year-old employee and a 29-year-old doctor. To gather further evidence, police executed an undercover operation.

The third suspect, under police supervision, got in touch with the doctor and arranged to purchase CBD oil for BD20. The agreed meeting point was near the doctor’s workplace, a hospital.

A police team, accompanied by the third suspect, arrived at the designated location. The doctor emerged from the hospital and was identified by the third suspect.

As the doctor approached, he threw something on the ground. Police immediately collared him and discovered a plastic container containing liquid CBD oil.

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