*** ----> Bahrain Chamber calls for enhancing trade cooperation with the US | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Chamber calls for enhancing trade cooperation with the US

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Chairman of the Bahrain Chamber, Sameer Nass highlighted the profound and longstanding relationship between Bahrain and the United States of America across all levels. He noted that the non-oil trade exchange between the two countries surpassed 2$ billion USD in 2023, making the United States Bahrain’s third-largest export partner last year. This came as he participated in the roundtable discussions organized by the American-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Washington.

Speaking at the meeting, Nass expressed his aspirations for the pivotal role of the Bahraini and American private sectors in strengthening bilateral relations and capitalizing the available opportunities in several sectors, including technology, renewable energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and the financial and banking sector He urged American investors to leverage Bahrain’s favorable economic environment and foster robust commercial partnerships.

Nass stated that enhancing the cooperation mechanisms between Bahrain and the United States could open new horizons for growth for both countries. He emphasized the importance of increasing trade exchanges between Bahraini and American businessmen and promoting private sector collaboration. He explained that the Bahrain Chamber is committed to expanding trade, investment, and industrial relations with its U.S. counterpart to broader horizons. This aligns with the Chamber’s current strategy of furthering joint trade relations regionally to advance the Bahraini private sector.

Nass also discussed the Arab economic landscape and its exposure to global events, stressing the need for proactive planning to address future crises. He highlighted the importance of global collaboration in accelerating sustainable development and reaffirmed Bahrain’s commitment to economic progress through balanced diplomatic policies and strategic initiatives aligned with sustainable development goals.

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