*** ----> Bahrain Chamber signs Mou with CCPIT- Jiangsu | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Chamber signs Mou with CCPIT- Jiangsu

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

First Vice Chairman of the Bahrain Chamber, Khalid Najibi, stressed the importance of strengthening ties with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) , to bolster international trade. He emphasized the need to foster the private sector and economies of Bahrain and China through enhanced collaboration and joint ventures aimed at expanding trade activities. Despite bilateral trade surpassing $2 billion in 2023, he emphasized significant future opportunities to further enrich commercial exchanges. This came as he received a Chinese delegation headed by Vice Chairman of CCPIT- Jiangsu, Cong Sufeng at the chamber’s headquarters, in the presence of board members of the Bahrain chamber.

During the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the goal of enhancing the partnership and advancing mutual interests, reaffirming Bahrain's pivotal role as the gateway to the Gulf region—a hub for financial technology and investment opportunities in various sectors such as technology, renewable energy, tourism, and manufacturing.

For his part, Sufeng expressed great satisfaction regarding the signing of the MoU between the Bahrain Chamber and CCPIT-Jiangsu, marking a pivotal framework for aligning efforts to advance bilateral relations and foster partnerships benefiting both sides. He emphasized that under this MoU, CCPIT is committed to supporting the business sector and paving the way for a thriving future.

He highlighted the Bahraini business community's strong interest in the Chinese market and highlighted CCPIT's eagerness to strengthen communication with the Bahrain Chamber. This includes deepening economic cooperation through initiatives like mutual visits, forums, and information exchange, aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and trade relations between China and Bahrain.

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