*** ----> US Ambassador hails Bahrain’s anti-trafficking success | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US Ambassador hails Bahrain’s anti-trafficking success

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Mohammed Darwish

The US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain, His Excellency Steven C. Bondy, has praised the Kingdom’s sustained success in combating human trafficking, noting its seventh consecutive year of maintaining a Tier 1 ranking in the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report. “

This is a remarkable achievement and a recognition of Bahrain’s ongoing efforts and the leadership’s resolve in combating all forms of human trafficking,” Ambassador Bondy stated. He stressed the significance of the TIP Report in promoting global efforts and forging partnerships to eradicate this crime.

The Ambassador highlighted the Kingdom’s comprehensive strategy, which includes prevention, protection, prosecution, partnerships, and institutional collaboration, as crucial in fortifying its anti-trafficking framework.

He affirmed the US Embassy’s commitment to continued cooperation with the Bahraini government, particularly the Labour Market Regulatory Authority, in this vital area.

The 2024 TIP Report, which assesses anti-trafficking efforts in 188 countries, commended Bahrain’s progress in several key areas.

Increased efforts The report noted the Kingdom’s increased efforts to identify victims, including vulnerable groups, and provide them with extensive assistance, such as shelter, medical care, and legal aid. Bahrain’s proactive investigations and prosecutions of trafficking cases were recognised, as well as its efforts to hold perpetrators accountable.

Furthermore, the report highlighted the Kingdom’s engagement with civil society organisations, international partners, and the private sector in addressing human trafficking

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