*** ----> Need police vigil in Juffair ! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Need police vigil in Juffair !


I am writing to express my deep concern about the lack of police vigilance in Juffair, particularly near Juffair Block.

Recently, I experienced a harrowing encounter with a suspicious individual that could have been avoided with a stronger police presence. While walking to a nearby grocery store, I was approached by a white man who made unsettling eye contact.

Instinctively, I crossed the street as he followed me. My anxiety grew as I noticed him lingering at a junction, seemingly waiting for me to continue my route.

Upon reaching the grocery store, I became increasingly apprehensive as I observed him across the street, clearly scanning my movements. Fearing he would follow me again, I sought help from a car wash attendant.

Thankfully, he intervened and escorted me home, effectively deterring the man from approaching us further.

While I am incredibly grateful for the assistance of the neighborhood car wash attendant, this incident highlights the urgent need for increased police patrols in Juffair.

My experience underscores the vulnerability women can feel in the absence of a visible police presence, especially during evening hours.

It is concerning that I did not feel comfortable reporting the incident to nearby officers, despite their apparent proximity. A more proactive police presence would not only deter crime but also foster a sense of security among residents.

I urge the authorities to take immediate steps to strengthen police visibility in Juffair. This will ensure the safety of residents and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Sincerely, Jennifer

A resident of Juffair