*** ----> Popular restaurants raise prices amid flour price hike | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Popular restaurants raise prices amid flour price hike

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A wave of price increases has hit popular restaurants and cafeterias, including those specializing in sambosa, as businesses cite rising flour prices. Some establishments have announced increases in the price of “jibati,” a popular flatbread available in both red and white varieties, with signs posted to inform customers of the price adjustments.

MP Hamad Al Doy has called for further discussions between the legislative and executive branches to address the issue of flour prices following the decision by Bahrain Flour Mills Company to raise prices.

He indicated that increasing government support for Bahrain Flour Mills is a possibility, but only if the need for such support is confirmed through detailed data that will be presented to the House of Representatives.


Al Doy urged the company to immediately postpone the implementation of the price increase until discussions between the legislative and executive branches are concluded and a consensus is reached.

He warned that the company’s decision is causing market disruption, particularly given the subsequent price increases by several restaurants and bakeries.

“The public, especially low-income families, cannot afford any increase in the prices of these essential products,” Al Doy stated.

“The price hike will affect dozens of goods, and we must remember that rising prices for products and goods are like a vicious cycle that will eventually affect most local goods.”


Al Doy also called on relevant authorities, particularly the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, to intensify inspection and monitoring efforts to ensure that businesses are not taking advantage of the flour mill’s decision to justify unjustified price increases.

A decision has been made to defer the company’s price increase for three months to allow for further study and discussions following a comprehensive meeting between the government and the Shura Council members, as well as MPs.

This compromise was reached after a proposal by the Council of Representatives Speaker Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam.


Some members of the Council of Representatives expressed opposition to the postponement, emphasizing the need to completely halt and cancel the price increase due to its negative consequences.

However, many livestock farmers, restaurants, and bakeries are complaining that the company is yet to undo the price increase.

The price increase, ranging from 35% to 100% across most of its flour products, has sparked concern. However, the company has maintained subsidized prices for accredited popular bakeries.
