*** ----> Are housemaids hindering your households health? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Are housemaids hindering your households health?

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

In many Bahraini homes, reliance on full-time housemaids is common. While this offers convenience, it often leads to family members becoming overly dependent on domestic help, impacting physical fitness and overall health. 

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Moayyed Feroze, Co-founder of The Healthy Conscience, said: "By incorporating chores into daily routines, families can build healthy habits, promote physical activity, and foster independence, especially among children."

Engaging in daily household chores helps maintain a minimum level of physical activity.  

Feroze explained: “Activities such as sweeping, mopping, gardening, and washing dishes involve various muscle groups, promoting physical movement and burning calories.”

He continued: “This can prevent health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, like obesity and reduced muscle strength. Relying entirely on domestic help can reduce overall activity levels, contributing to weight gain and strength loss. Integrating chores ensures everyone remains physically active, maintaining a healthy weight and muscle tone.”

Feroze highlighted the importance of incorporating chores into daily routines to build healthy habits. “Using habit stacking, a technique popularized by James Clear in his book ‘Atomic Habits', can make this easier. Habit stacking involves linking a new habit to an existing one,” he explained. 

Assigning chores to children helps maintain a clean home and plays a crucial role in their personal development. 

“Age-appropriate chores teach responsibility and the importance of contributing to the household, boosting their confidence and self-esteem. Regular participation in household chores fosters independence and develops essential life skills, such as time management and problem-solving,” Feroze added. 

He suggested simple chore-like exercises for children, including Toy Clean-Up, Sweeping or Vacuuming, Gardening, Setting the Table, Laundry Sorting, Wiping Surfaces, Making the Bed, and Carrying Groceries.

Lastly, Feroze pointed out the need to find the right balance between the convenience of domestic help and promoting physical activity and independence for the overall well-being of families in Bahrain.


Moayyed Feroze, Co-founder of The Healthy Conscience