*** ----> Bahrain's Evening Rush: Traffic Jams Surge as Temperatures Cool and Construction Continues | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's Evening Rush: Traffic Jams Surge as Temperatures Cool and Construction Continues

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain's streets have been witnessing a marked increase in traffic congestion during the early evening hours, a phenomenon driven by a confluence of factors that mirror broader trends in urban dynamics.

As the region experiences a shift in temperatures, many residents are choosing to delay their errands and personal trips until the cooler evening hours. This shift in travel patterns results in a significant influx of vehicles on the roads during this specific period.

Simultaneously, Bahrain is undergoing a wave of infrastructure development projects that necessitate road closures and diversions, disrupting the usual traffic flow and leading to congestion and delays in the affected areas.

Adding to this, the period following payday often sees a spike in shopping and leisure activities, causing increased traffic around malls, shops, and entertainment venues.

To navigate these traffic challenges, residents might consider prioritising their morning errands whenever possible, thereby avoiding the evening rush. Staying abreast of ongoing road closures and diversions can also aid drivers in selecting alternative routes and minimising delays

Furthermore, opting for shopping and leisure activities during non-peak hours can contribute to easing traffic congestion and ensuring a smoother experience.

By adopting these strategies, Bahrain's residents can better manage their time and navigate the current traffic challenges more effectively.