*** ----> National Ambulance Center Enhances Emergency Response and Staff Wellbeing in Line with Sustainable Development Goals | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

National Ambulance Center Enhances Emergency Response and Staff Wellbeing in Line with Sustainable Development Goals

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Following the directives of His Excellency Sheikh Rashed bin Abdullah Al-Khalifa, Minister of the Interior, the National Ambulance Center is implementing a series of initiatives aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These initiatives focus on improving emergency response times and staff well-being through specialized programs.

Faster Response to Emergencies:

The Center is actively working to enhance its emergency response rates. This includes initiatives to ensure rapid arrival at incident locations and provide on-site medical care before transporting patients to hospitals. This focus on speed and efficiency directly contributes to SDG target 3.3, aiming to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health.

Strengthening Collaboration:

The National Ambulance Center is also fostering stronger cooperation and coordination with hospitals across Bahrain. This improved communication and collaboration streamline patient care transitions, ensuring a smooth transfer of care and ultimately, better patient outcomes. This initiative aligns with SDG target 17.17, which promotes partnerships for sustainable development.

Investing in Staff:

Recognizing the critical role staff plays, the Center is dedicated to capacity building and human resource development. This includes specialized education and training programs. By investing in its workforce, the Center ensures its personnel is equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality emergency care. This focus on staff development aligns with SDG target 4.4, which promotes quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.