*** ----> Bahrain Launches Online Service for Availability of Controlled Medications | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Launches Online Service for Availability of Controlled Medications

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The Supreme Council of Health has announced the launch of a new online service providing real-time availability information for controlled medications, including narcotics, psychotropic substances, and precursors. This service aims to streamline access to such medications for both healthcare providers and patients.

The new service, accessible through the sehati.gov.bh platform, allows users to easily search for specific medications and locate private pharmacies stocking them. This initiative aligns with the Bahraini government's strategy to modernise administrative processes, simplify procedures, and enhance service delivery for citizens and beneficiaries.

The move reflects a commitment to improving administrative efficiency by identifying and addressing administrative bottlenecks, proposing solutions for enhanced service quality, and exploring automation and digitisation of services. The ultimate goal is to optimise service delivery through electronic channels, minimising time, effort, and costs for users.

The new online service simplifies the process of locating controlled medications by providing a centralised platform for information. Users can quickly and easily determine the availability of specific medications at private pharmacies, ensuring timely access to essential healthcare. This initiative contributes to the Supreme Council of Health's commitment to providing high-quality, efficient, and swift healthcare services.