*** ----> Government initiates two major housing projects under Land Development Programme | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Government initiates two major housing projects under Land Development Programme

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Ministry of Housing, Urban Planning, and the Environment (MoHUP) has announced two ambitious housing projects aimed at addressing the country’s growing demand for affordable housing.

1. Hawrat Sanad Project:

Under the Government Land Development Programme, the Hawrat Sanad Project will see the development of 47 housing units on government-owned land.

This initiative, part of a broader effort to expand housing opportunities, will be executed by the private sector through a competitive bidding process.

Bidders will vie for a license to develop the project, with selection criteria emphasizing the highest proposed land value and adherence to technical specifications.

The chosen developer will undertake the design, financing, and construction of the 47 housing units, including the provision of two 11kV substations and necessary secondary infrastructure.

These units will be sold to beneficiaries of MoHUP’s social housing financing programs upon completion.

Following the sale of all units, the developer will compensate MoHUP for the agreed land value. Additionally, MoHUP has instituted a buy-back option for any unsold units remaining 24 months post-completion.

The project tender attracted six companies, whose bids range between BHD 450,728.000 and BHD 1,550,000.000.

2. Buhair Project:

Simultaneously, the Buhair Project, also part of the Government Land Development Programme, aims to develop 76 housing units on government-owned land.

Like the Hawrat Sanad Project, private sector participation will be pivotal, with bids evaluated based on proposed land value and technical feasibility.

The successful bidder for the Buhair Project will undertake the comprehensive development, including connectivity with existing infrastructure, of the 76 housing units.

These units will cater to beneficiaries of MoHUP’s social housing financing programs. Upon completion and full occupancy, the developer will reimburse MoHUP for the land value. Similarly, MoHUP offers a buy-back mechanism for any units unsold after 24 months.

This tender attracted five bids between BHD 1,469,232.341 and BHD 3,621,314.000.

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