*** ----> Three Bahraini Men Face Trial for Robbery with Force | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three Bahraini Men Face Trial for Robbery with Force

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court has adjourned the trial of three men accused of robbing a 40-year-old Asian man in a forceful incident that occurred on November 4, 2022. The defendants include a 22-year-old Arab man, an 18-year-old Bahraini, and a 39-year-old retired Bahraini. The case has been adjourned to July 14th to ensure the presence of all defendants and to inform the third defendant of the proceedings.

According to court documents, the three men allegedly approached the victim, who was a driver for a transportation company, while he was walking near a school in the Sitra area. Two of the defendants, identified as the 22-year-old Arab and the 18-year-old Bahraini, allegedly forced the victim to surrender his belongings. One of the suspects held the victim's hands while the other stole his mobile phone, Bluetooth earphones, and a silver chain he was wearing. The third defendant, a retired Bahraini, allegedly waited in the car.

The victim testified that the suspects used force to overpower him and escape with his belongings. He described how the two men approached him, one holding his arms while the other stole his possessions. He also stated that the third defendant was waiting in the car and drove them away after the robbery.

A police officer involved in the investigation confirmed the receipt of a report regarding the crime and stated that the suspects had prior records of similar offenses. The officer conducted an investigation that led to the identification of the suspects.

The first defendant admitted to being present at the scene of the crime with the other two defendants. He confessed that they were in a car belonging to the third defendant and witnessed the victim walking near the school. He further confessed to participating in the robbery, along with the second defendant, by stealing the victim's chain and earphones.

Further evidence presented in court included the recovery of the victim's chain from the first defendant during a search. CCTV footage from the school captured the car belonging to the third defendant stopping near the victim. The court also reviewed the criminal records of the defendants, confirming their previous convictions for similar offenses.

The case is expected to resume on July 14th, where the defendants will be present in court and the third defendant will be formally informed of the charges against him.