*** Education Minister participates in panel discussion | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Education Minister participates in panel discussion


 Education Minister Dr. Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi participated in a panel discussion entitled “Information technology and the future of education,” on the sidelines of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Post-2015 Education, held in cooperation with UNESCO in Qingdao, China.

 Senior officials in private sector companies specialised in the education technology attended the panel, which addressed a number of topics, including visualisation of digital education in 2030, expectations about future trends in the field of information technology and its impact on the education sector and transformation of the participants’ visions into policies.

 The minister addressed topics related to the future of education in light of the modern developments and wide use of ICT in all the vital sectors, especially education along with shedding light on economic crisis and their impact on education and digital empowerment.

 He highlighted the reality of e-learning in the Kingdom of Bahrain, remarkable achievements of King’s Hamad Future Schools project and the future strides in the education system, in line with His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s directives regarding the implementation of digital empowerment in education project.

 He pointed out UNESCO King Hamad Award for the Use of ICT in Education, which had a prominent role in promoting e-learning initiatives at the global level by honouring outstanding initiatives and projects developed at this level.

 The private sector’s speakers underlined the developments in the field of technology in education, which will contribute to raising its quality, available opportunities to achieve more developments, affirming the role played by the private sector in the technical sector, according to standards that must be unified in light of the technology developments.

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