*** ----> Education Ministry’s New Scholarship Plan Forward-thinking: MP Al Dhaen | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Education Ministry’s New Scholarship Plan Forward-thinking: MP Al Dhaen

The new scholarship plan announced by the Ministry of Education has been lauded by MP Dr. Maryam Al-Dhaen, who called it a forward-thinking approach to education.

The plan, crafted by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education, aims to match student qualifications with future job needs. It emphasizes a balance between academic and vocational training, with more technical and applied specializations to support Bahrain Vision 2030's economic goals.

Dr. Al-Dhaen highlighted the plan's increased scholarships for outstanding graduates, determined fairly based on their entire academic record. "This year's enhancements are significant," she said, mentioning new scholarships in the US and UK. Collaboration with the Tamkeen and a doubling of nursing scholarships reflect an awareness of job opportunities in healthcare. Scholarships in medicine, engineering, and other fields cater to diverse student aspirations, she noted.

The plan offers new opportunities for students in the literary track, with scholarships in theatre and music in Kuwait. It also recognizes the value of professional skills by providing scholarships for technical and vocational graduates, the MP said.

Dr. Al-Dhaen emphasized the Ministry's commitment to financially supporting top students who choose to study at the University of Bahrain or Bahrain Polytechnic. Additionally, scholarships allocated to private universities aim to boost their reputation and attract students from the Gulf region, solidifying Bahrain's position as a leading educational destination.