*** ----> Court Orders Man to Repay Loan to Friend After Failing to Meet Payment Deadline | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Court Orders Man to Repay Loan to Friend After Failing to Meet Payment Deadline

TDT | Bahrain

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

A local court has ruled in favour of a plaintiff who filed a lawsuit against a friend for failing to repay a loan within the agreed-upon timeframe. The court ordered the defendant to repay the full amount of the loan, along with legal interest and legal fees.

According to lawyer Iman Hassan, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant, seeking an injunction preventing the defendant from traveling and compelling him to repay the 7,000 Bahraini dinars loan, plus 10% legal interest from the date of demand until full repayment.

The plaintiff argued that the defendant, a 40-year-old man, acknowledged his debt of 7,000 Bahraini dinars through a signed confession of debt. Despite repeated requests, the defendant failed to repay the loan, prompting the plaintiff to file the lawsuit.

The court, in its ruling, relied on the principle of proof outlined in Article (1) of the Evidence Law, which states that "the creditor is obligated to prove the obligation, and the debtor is obligated to prove its discharge." The court also considered the fact that the confession of debt, signed by the defendant, was a valid legal document.

The court found that the defendant had not presented any evidence to refute the plaintiff's claim or to show that he had repaid any portion of the loan. Consequently, the court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, ordering the defendant to repay the full 7,000 Bahraini dinars, along with legal interest and legal fees.