*** ----> ‘Tough penalties’ for Tamkeen fund abusers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Tough penalties’ for Tamkeen fund abusers

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Mohammed Darwish

Misuse of labour incentives offered by the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) will be confronted with the full might of law under a proposed law set for debate in the upcoming convening period of Parliament.

Under this legislation, employers who benefit from Tamkeen funds to hire Bahrainis will be mandated to return these funds if they fail to uphold the condition of not terminating the Bahraini worker’s contract unfairly.

This initiative, led by MP Basma Abdulkarim and supported by several other legislators, targets employers who exploit Tamkeen funding to recruit Bahraini nationals, only to dismiss them unjustly afterwards According to the explanatory memorandum, this proposal seeks to uphold the principles of social justice enshrined in the constitution, specifically citing Article 13, which mandates the state to ensure fair employment conditions for its citizens.

The memorandum further points out that some employers have been exploiting the system, and this initiative aims to put an end to such practices.

The new law would require companies receiving Tamkeen subsidies to repay those funds if they dismiss Bahraini employees without valid reasons approved by the Ministry of Labour.

Lawmakers believe this measure will deter businesses from abusing the government’s labour support programme for mere financial gain.

Abdulkarim noted that Tamkeen was established to encourage the employment of Bahrainis and strengthen their position in the job market.

Purpose However, many instances have been reported where employers take the money and then release these workers arbitrarily, which undermines the entire purpose.

The proposed amendment seeks to bring the Labour Law more in line with constitutional principles of dignified work and social justice.

Proponents are hopeful that the new measures will ensure Bahraini employees receive the protection they deserve, even when their employers have benefited from state support.