*** ----> Two under investigation for hate speech online | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two under investigation for hate speech online

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The Public Prosecution has initiated an investigation into two individuals accused of posting tweets that violate Bahraini law, according to a statement released by the Head of the Cybercrime Prosecution.

The investigation stems from reports filed by the Cybercrime Directorate of the General Directorate of Anti-Corruption and Economic & Electronic Security that allege that the two suspects published tweets on their public social media accounts that contained content deemed offensive to individuals held in high esteem by a religious community.

The tweets are also accused of inciting hatred towards a specific group of people, potentially leading to sectarian strife and undermining the fabric of Bahraini society.

Following the arrest of the suspects, the Public Prosecution promptly commenced its investigation.

“The suspects were interrogated and confronted with the incriminating tweets and evidence.

Both individuals confessed to posting the tweets on their public social media accounts,” the statement stated.

The Public Prosecution ordered the detention of both suspects for seven days pending further investigation.

The Head of the Cybercrime Prosecution urged social media users to adhere to the regulations governing online content and expression.

They stressed that online posts should remain within the boundaries set by law, avoiding content that incites sectarian tensions or undermines the security and stability enjoyed by the Bahraini community.