*** ----> Works E-Services Engage Over 17,000 Users in H1 of 2024 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Works E-Services Engage Over 17,000 Users in H1 of 2024

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Beneficiaries of the ministry's 26 e-services reached 17,670 during the first half of this year, as reported by Eng Huda Al Salman, AUS of Technical Services at the Ministry of Works.
These services were accessed either through the ministry's website or the national portal bahrain.bh.

Application Follow Up eService led the charge, Al Salman noted, attracting 10,501 users. This service empowers citizens, residents, and municipal councils to submit requests and comments directly to the relevant department for online follow-up.

Following closely was the Traffic Diversion Request eService, with 3,069 submissions. This platform allows individuals, private companies, and government bodies to request and manage traffic diversions for construction sites online. In third place was the internal tenders service, with 864 users accessing details on tenders, purchasing documents, and obtaining copies of previously acquired materials.

The range of e-services provided is extensive, covering everything from maintenance requests for sewerage systems to permits for oversized loads and road defect reports. The ministry’s offerings also include various requests for technical evaluations, new road paving, and parking fee exemptions.

Al Salman emphasised that these e-services reflect the Ministry of Works' aim to stay in step with the government's programme (2023-2026) and Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030. This involves leveraging the latest digital technologies to enhance efficiency, speed up processes, and deliver top-notch services to citizens and residents, while maintaining robust communication with businesses and contractors.