*** MPs to discuss constitutional amendment for free healthcare | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs to discuss constitutional amendment for free healthcare

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com   

MPs are expected to discuss a proposed constitutional amendment regarding the provision of free healthcare services in the upcoming session.

The proposal has already been approved by the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee and has been referred to the Speaker’s Office.

The proposed amendment seeks to replace Article 8(a) of the Constitution, which currently states: “Every citizen has the right to free healthcare, and the State shall care for public health and ensure the means of prevention and treatment by establishing various types of hospitals and health institutions.”

The explanatory memorandum accompanying the proposal states that the “right to health” is considered a fundamental right that imposes a positive obligation on the state to ensure that all citizens have access to comprehensive healthcare coverage without any financial barriers to obtaining treatment.

The memorandum further explains that free healthcare services should include the complete range of necessary and quality health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and care.

Positive impact

The proposed constitutional amendment is deemed a necessary choice to guarantee that Bahraini citizens have access to free healthcare, which would have a positive impact on both the individual and the community.

By providing a suitable health environment with a package of preventive, educational, and curative services, the state can ensure the overall health and well-being of the citizens, as mandated by the Constitution, the memorandum points out.

“Moreover, the provision of free healthcare services for citizens is expected to alleviate the state’s burden of caring for the elderly, as they would have access to appropriate free treatment for their simple and non-costly health issues throughout their lives.

This, in turn, is seen as a cornerstone of long-term economic development, which would help protect and stabilise the social and economic conditions of Bahraini families,” the memorandum further explains.