*** ----> ICRF holds summer safety campaign at Bahrain Bay worksite | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

ICRF holds summer safety campaign at Bahrain Bay worksite

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

The Ninth event of ICRF Thirst Quenchers 2024 was held yesterday at a worksite located in Bahrain Bay. The Indian Community Relief Fund (ICRF) Thirst-Quenchers 2024 team continued its annual summer awareness program, aligning with the Ministry of Labour’s initiative to ensure a safe working environment during the sweltering months of July and August.

The primary goal of this program is to promote awareness about maintaining a healthy and safe summer. During July and August, ICRF distributed bottled water, Laban, and fruits to workers at their worksites, targeting those most affected by the intense summer heat.

Approximately 170 workers were given water bottles, Juice, oranges, apples and bananas along with flyers with emergency contact numbers.

Mr Mohamed Al Aswad from LMRA and Ms Shahlaa Badawy from IOM joined the program today and helped distribution of items. As in previous years, the Bohra community and generous volunteers have shown strong support for this project.

BCICAI’s CSR team also joined in supporting this week’s program. The ICRF Thirst-Quenchers team plans to continue these weekly events for the next two weeks.

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