*** ----> Attempt to smuggle banned pills foiled | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Attempt to smuggle banned pills foiled

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

A 21-year-old Asian man was arrested at Bahrain International Airport after attempting to smuggle over 1,000 pills of the psychoactive substance Lyrica into the country. The suspect, who arrived from his home country, concealed the pills in his luggage, hoping to sell them for profit. However, a vigilant customs officer at the airport thwarted his plan. The incident occurred when the customs officer, while on duty, noticed suspicious items in the suspect’s luggage during an X-ray scan.

Upon questioning the suspect, he denied having any illegal substances. However, a thorough inspection of the luggage revealed 1,260 pills hidden within two black nylon bags, cleverly concealed beneath the fabric lining of the bag. Upon examination, the pills were confirmed to contain Lyrica, a psychoactive substance. The customs officer immediately alerted the Drug Enforcement Administration at Bahrain International Airport.