*** ----> iGA’s household survey awareness session successful | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

iGA’s household survey awareness session successful

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), in collaboration with the Embassy of the Philippines and the Filipino Club Bahrain, held an awareness session for representatives of the Filipino community. It was part of iGA’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness among citizens and resident families in the Kingdom of Bahrain about the current ongoing 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey.

The session highlighted the survey’s objectives and the importance of participation in this national project and address any enquiries along with an awareness session on the latest eService and Channels that can benefit the members.


The event was attended by the Philippines Ambassador, Her Excellency Anne Jalando-on Louis; iGA Director of Communications and Marketing, Lulwa Sami; iGA Director of Population and Demographic Statistics, Senan Ali, other representatives of the iGA, Filipino Club Bahrain President, Ric Advincula and members of the Filipino community and the club management.

The iGA provided an overview of the 2024 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, highlighting its significance in helping decision-makers develop policies and government plans across economic, social, environmental, and other sectors. The session also discussed the important role that families in Bahrain, both citizens and residents, play in this national project.


Families are selected randomly according to international statistical standards and are encouraged to contribute to the success of the survey by cooperating with field researchers. The session featured an overview of the iGA’s divisions and eServices and the channels available to citizens and residents. It also addressed questions and concerns from attendees regarding the survey process, completing electronic forms, and other related topics.