*** ----> Muharraq Council member proposes specialised oil waste containers for restaurants | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Muharraq Council member proposes specialised oil waste containers for restaurants

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

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Dalal Al Muqahwi, a member of the Muharraq Municipal Council, has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture calling for the provision of specialised waste containers for restaurant oil waste.

Her proposal highlights the alarming practice of restaurants currently disposing of used cooking oil directly into the sewage network, a practice that poses a significant threat to the environment. The oil contaminates water sources and soil, leading to a serious risk of pollution and damage to the local ecosystem.

The proposal suggests that the Ministry provide dedicated containers specifically designed for collecting and storing used cooking oil, ensuring its safe and responsible disposal.

“The current method of oil waste disposal in restaurants is not only inefficient but also poses a serious environmental hazard,” stated Al Muqahwi to The Daily Tribune.

“The oil being thrown into the sewage network is a major contributor to pollution and can cause blockages in the system, leading to costly repairs and disruptions.

These specialised containers will not only prevent contamination but also facilitate the proper recycling and repurposing of used oil, contributing to a more sustainable environment."

Comprehensive plan

The proposal outlines a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the initiative, including the identification of suitable locations for container placement, the development of clear guidelines for restaurant owners regarding oil disposal procedures, and the establishment of a system for regular collection and disposal of the collected waste.

If approved, the initiative will mark a significant step towards promoting responsible waste management practices in the restaurant industry, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for the people of Muharraq and beyond.



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