*** Business Giant and Philanthropist Ahmed Mansoor Al Aali Died at 94 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Business Giant and Philanthropist Ahmed Mansoor Al Aali Died at 94

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@newsofbahrain.com

Ahmed Mansoor Al Aali, a central figure in Bahrain’s business, charitable, and political arenas, has died at 94. His passing on Wednesday marks the end of a life spent shaping the kingdom’s development, both commercially and socially.

Born into modest means, his father, Hajj Mansoor, worked as a farmer, tending to palm trees—a common occupation for many Bahrainis of that time. In 1949, Al Aali started his business with little more than a few donkeys and a mechanical crusher. That enterprise, which began so modestly, eventually became the Ahmed Mansoor Al Aali Group, a major player in Bahrain’s construction industry.

A turning point came in 1969 when he acquired an expensive crane, a move that solidified his company’s role in Bahrain’s construction landscape. This was followed by securing large contracts that positioned him as a key player in marine reclamation projects, transforming places like Al Naim and the Diplomatic Area, alongside work on the Bahrain International Airport.

But Al Aali was not just about business. He established the Aali Charity Society in 1992, a group that has since provided essential support to low-income families. Its work includes scholarships for university students, organising group weddings, and maintaining mosques and cemeteries. His charity work echoed the same drive he showed in his commercial endeavours—direct and far-reaching.

In politics, Al Aali wielded considerable influence, serving as Chairman of the Jaffaria Waqf Directorate and a member of the Shura Council. His presence was also felt in Bahrain’s financial sector, through his involvement with institutions such as Bahrain Islamic Bank and Takaful Insurance.

HRH Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, praised him as an economic leader who inspired future generations with his passion for Bahrain.

As Bahrain reflects on his passing, his contributions across industry and charity leave a lasting imprint on the kingdom’s history, ensuring that his legacy endures.