*** Hopes high for Bahrainis’ visa-free travel to Russia | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hopes high for Bahrainis’ visa-free travel to Russia

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@newsofbahrain.com

Talks about Bahrainis being granted visa-free travel to Russia have sparked cautious optimism among potential travellers. While Russia has indeed proposed a mutual visa-waiver agreement with Bahrain, the process has been slow and faces various technical and legal hurdles.

A Russian diplomatic source, speaking to our sister newspaper Al Ayam, confirmed that the proposal for a visa-free agreement was made two years ago However, the source noted that “due to some technical and legal specifics, the agreement has not been reached.”

This highlights the complexities involved in formalising international agreements, especially regarding travel.

Extended period

The source further indicated that negotiations are progressing slowly and are likely to continue for an extended period.

The initial news of a potential visa-free agreement emerged from reports by Russia Today (RT), citing Russian Minister of Economic Development, Maxim Reshetnikov.

He stated that Russia had proposed full visa-free travel for citizens of Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia.

Reshetnikov emphasised that these countries could significantly contribute to Russia’s high-end tourism sector, indicating the mutual benefits of such an agreement.


Despite the confirmed proposal for Bahrain, the diplomatic source’s statements suggest that the process is far from finalised. It remains unclear when, or if, the agreement will be actualised.

The possibility of visa-free travel has generated excitement among Bahraini travelers eager to explore Russia, but it’s important to note that this information remains unconfirmed.

Potential travelers are advised to stay updated by checking official sources for any changes to visa requirements, as the situation continues to evolve. The dream of hassle-free travel to Russia awaits further developments.