*** Bahrain joins global young parliamentarians forum | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain joins global young parliamentarians forum

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

Members of Bahrain’s parliamentary delegation, participating in the International Young Parliamentarians Conference in Yerevan, Armenia, held multiple bilateral and joint meetings with other delegations to enhance parliamentary relations and exchange expertise in education, training, and employment.

The delegation, led by MP Abdulla Khalifa Al Rumaihi, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and National Security Committee in the Council of Representatives, and MP Ali Hussain Al Shehabi, met with Philippe Pauwels, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Youth, to discuss Bahrain’s achievements in youth development and the role of the legislative authority in supporting youth.

The delegation also met with the British delegation, led by Dan Carden, Chair of the Young Parliamentarians Forum and a British MP, to explore cooperation on parliamentary and youth issues. In discussions with the Russian parliamentary delegation, led by Yulia Lazutkina, Senator of the Russian Federation, the delegations discussed enhancing parliamentary ties between Bahrain and Russia.

Al Shehabi also met with the Serbian delegation, including Deputy Speaker Edin Đerlek and MP Ivana Stamatović, to explore cooperation in education and employment.