*** Report reveals 275mln global drug users, youth most affected | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Report reveals 275mln global drug users, youth most affected

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: anchalo@newsofbahrain.com

MP Dr. Hassan Eid Bukhammas, a member of the Advisory Board of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), has revealed alarming statistics from the World Drug Report 2023, indicating that approximately 275 million people worldwide have used drugs, with youth being the most significantly affected group.

According to the report, drug use rates among 15-year-olds have reached unprecedented levels, underscoring the targeted impact on adolescents and highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and self-protection against drug-related dangers.

In response, the Advisory Board of the Supreme Council of the GCC has been actively engaged in discussions about “A Strategy to Protect Youth from the Danger of Drug Use and Addiction in the Cooperation Council” during meetings held in Muscat, Oman.

Dr. Bukhammas emphasised that the strategy aims to enhance cooperation and coordination among GCC member states to tackle drug abuse and trafficking comprehensively. The strategy focuses on several key objectives, including bolstering collaborative efforts among GCC countries, supporting preventative programs, advancing research and innovation, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring continuous monitoring and evaluation of drug-related issues.

Dr. Bukhammas noted that international efforts are crucial in addressing the cross-border drug problem, as drug dealers target GCC countries due to their economic prosperity and high purchasing power.