*** Bahrain Bay Highway gets green makeover | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Bay Highway gets green makeover

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

A new push to plant trees along Bahrain Bay Highway has kicked off, aiming to improve the area’s aesthetics and expand its green spaces. The Municipalities Affairs ministry has put out a tender for the first phase of this project, which is expected to take four months.

The plan includes preparing the land, landscaping, installing an irrigation system, setting up a water tank, and adding lighting and electrical works for the green areas. Bahrain Bay Highway has already undergone substantial changes recently, with tree planting and green spaces added along the 2.5-kilometre stretch. Last year alone, over 750 trees were planted in the run-up to Bahrain’s hosting of the Formula 1 races.

The ministry, working through the Tender Board, has laid out strict conditions for bidders. They must submit several key documents, such as a compliance declaration and a price determination certificate signed by an authorised representative. Additionally, the tender calls for a stamped and signed schedule of drawings, as outlined in the tender documents, to ensure the bid fits the project’s specifications.

Failing to provide these papers will see bidders cut from the process. Firms hoping to win the contract must also hold a valid pre-qualification from the Ministry of Works for building construction projects graded B or above, as well as grade AA for landscaping work. Any lapses in these credentials will result in disqualification.