*** "This is Bahrain" Celebrates International Day of Peace with a Call to Cultivate a Culture of Peace. | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

"This is Bahrain" Celebrates International Day of Peace with a Call to Cultivate a Culture of Peace.

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsofbahrain.com

In celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace, the organization “This is Bahrain” launched its annual event under the theme "Cultivating a Culture of Peace" at the Cultural Hall in Manama. The event, hosted on September 21, 2024, aimed to emphasize the importance of peace in today’s world and highlight Bahrain's commitment to peaceful coexistence.


In her keynote speech, Miss Betsy B. Mathieson, Chairperson of "This is Bahrain," welcomed distinguished guests and attendees, including representatives from various faiths and cultures. She expressed the organization’s honor to celebrate this day, drawing attention to the ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises affecting many parts of the world.


“We are truly blessed to live in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where we live together in the spirit of mutual respect and love, and where peaceful coexistence is our everyday way of life,” Mathieson stated. 


She highlighted that Bahrainis are born with peace and love in their hearts, noting that Bahrain is one of the few countries that emphasizes peace in its national anthem, which includes the phrase "Land of Honour, Cradle of Peace."


Mathieson extended her gratitude to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for his unwavering commitment to peaceful coexistence, demonstrated through initiatives such as the 2017 Bahrain Declaration, the King Hamad Chair in Interfaith Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence at La Sapienza University in Rome, and the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence. 


She also thanked His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for his support of the nearly 700 non-governmental organizations flourishing in Bahrain, and praised Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa for her tireless work in advancing the development of women and children.


Reflecting on the event's theme, Mathieson asked, "What is peace? How do we achieve it? How do we maintain it?" She invoked the words of Nelson Mandela, emphasizing that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the creation of an environment where all can flourish, regardless of race, creed, or gender.


She further commended Bahrain for cultivating a culture of peace for hundreds of years, with Bahrainis known for their kindness, compassion, and hospitality. Mathieson urged the audience to continue working together to protect and strengthen this culture of peaceful coexistence, saying, "We must work together to protect, enhance, and strengthen our peaceful coexistence."


The evening's performances, which included contributions from various cultural groups, reflected Bahrain's thriving culture of peace. Participants included Father Richard Fermer, Dean of Saint Christopher’s Cathedral, the YMCA Choir, and the Al Hidd Fajeiri Band, The ISKON Community and The Ghana Community Group, Mathieson also took the opportunity to announce the launch of the "This Is Bahrain Talent Show", a new platform designed to celebrate the talents of musicians, singers, choirs, and performers from diverse communities.


In conclusion, Mathieson quoted the now famous closing words of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in the Kingdom of Bahrain Declaration, “Faith Illuminates our Path to Peace”.