*** Bahrain's 2023 Final Statement: State Revenues at 3.1 Billion and Expenditures at 3.9 Billion | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's 2023 Final Statement: State Revenues at 3.1 Billion and Expenditures at 3.9 Billion

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@Newsofbahrain.com

The Unified Revenue Statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, reveals that total actual revenues reached 3,195,971,301 Bahraini dinars, an increase from the budgeted amount of 3,103,386,000 Bahraini dinars.

However, this figure represents a decrease compared to the actual revenues of 3,543,853,183 Bahraini dinars recorded in 2022.

Detailed breakdowns indicate that actual oil revenues for 2023 totaled 2,034,699,810 Bahraini dinars. Non-oil revenues, including fees and charges, amounted to 920,775,284 Bahraini dinars, while revenues from government services and goods reached 76,529,614 Bahraini dinars.

In contrast, revenues from government investments and properties fell short of budget expectations, generating only 131,278,396 Bahraini dinars compared to a budgeted figure of 180,523,300 Bahraini dinars.

Furthermore, capital asset sales recorded revenues of 723,808 Bahraini dinars, slightly below the budgeted amount of 724,234 Bahraini dinars.

Fines, penalties, and miscellaneous revenues contributed 31,964,389 Bahraini dinars to the state treasury, also falling short of the budgeted figure of 40,031,006 Bahraini dinars.

Turning to expenditures, the final unified accounts for the state indicate that total actual expenditures reached 3,969,903,474 Bahraini dinars—approximately 4 billion Bahraini dinars—an increase from the budgeted amount of 3,730,712,951 Bahraini dinars. This resulted in a budget deficit of 773,932,173 Bahraini dinars for 2023.

Regarding carried-over appropriations to the next fiscal year, the figures show total carried-over appropriations of 54,109,185 Bahraini dinars compared to 107,283,951 Bahraini dinars in 2022.

Specifically, appropriations for "recurring expenditures" amounted to 7,109,185 Bahraini dinars in 2023, slightly down from 7,283,951 Bahraini dinars in 2022.

Meanwhile, project appropriations in 2023 stood at 47 million Bahraini dinars, a significant decrease from 100 million Bahraini dinars in the previous year.