*** Traffic Police Crack Down on Emergency Lane Violations, Issue 582 Citations in September | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Traffic Police Crack Down on Emergency Lane Violations, Issue 582 Citations in September

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: anchalo@Newsofbahrain.com

The Traffic Operations and Monitoring Directorate of the General Directorate of Traffic in Bahrain has announced issuing 582 tickets to drivers for violating emergency lane regulations during September.

The crackdown targeted drivers who were caught using the emergency lane (marked with a yellow line) for overtaking. The department stressed that such violations not only disrupt traffic flow but also endanger other road users.

In the event of a vehicle breakdown in the emergency lane, it obstructs the passage of emergency vehicles, hindering their ability to respond to emergencies. Additionally, using the emergency lane for overtaking violates the rights of other drivers who may require its use for legitimate reasons.

The Traffic Operations and Monitoring Directorate has assured the public that it will continue to intensify traffic monitoring on major roads and highways to ensure compliance with traffic laws.

The department also highlighted its ongoing awareness campaigns, conducted both in the field and through media and social media platforms, to educate the public about the dangers of such violations and the importance of responsible driving behavior.