*** ‘Remain vigilant and united’ amid regional tensions | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Remain vigilant and united’ amid regional tensions

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@Newsofbahrain.com

The Minister of Interior, His Excellency Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, has urged Bahrainis to remain vigilant and united in response to escalating tensions in the region. In a statement yesterday, he stressed the need for awareness, patriotism, and national cohesion, which he views as vital for navigating the current crisis. “The dangerous escalation and widespread tensions in the region demand that we remain vigilant and committed to the inclusive national unity that has long defined Bahraini society,” Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah stated.

The Minister pointed out that this unity has reinforced Bahrain’s deeply rooted values and has been crucial in overcoming various challenges. Security and public order His Excellency highlighted the admirable qualities that emerge from the Bahraini citizen during difficult times, such as a sense of responsibility for maintaining security and public order. “Citizens are genuine partners in their duties towards their homeland,” he remarked, emphasising that unity and a collective sense of responsibility are essential at this crucial time.

Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah expressed gratitude for the blessings of security and stability that Bahrain enjoys, noting that national loyalty has become a deeply ingrained concept among the people. “This loyalty is not merely a phrase we repeat; it is a firmly established principle in the hearts of Bahrainis,” he asserted. The Minister further explained that this sense of loyalty is drawn from the nation’s historical and cultural values, reflecting a profound attachment to Bahrain and respect for its leadership.

Additionally, His Excellency urged parents and those engaged in domestic affairs to recognise the seriousness of the current situation and to act responsibly in safeguarding the nation’s security and social fabric. Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah concluded with a call for divine protection for the kingdom and the region, emphasising the importance of collective responsibility in ensuring Bahrain’s ongoing stability