*** MPs propose centralised centre to ensure ‘transparency and integrity’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs propose centralised centre to ensure ‘transparency and integrity’

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

The Parliament is preparing to discuss a proposal for the establishment of a National Centre for Oversight and Inspection during the upcoming session.

The proposal, submitted by MP Mohammed Al Rifaei, along with several other MPs, aims to have the government establish this new centralised body.

The explanatory memorandum accompanying the proposal highlights the need for a national centre to ensure transparency and integrity in oversight and inspection activities, protecting the rights of all parties involved.

A key argument for the center is the need to improve coordination and integration between government agencies.

This would reduce the duplication of inspections on facilities, streamlining the oversight process through standardised systems and instructions, ultimately improving the efficiency and quality of oversight work.

MP Al Rifaei emphasised that the proposed centre aims to improve the business environment, protect consumer and beneficiary rights, and mitigate the negative consequences of multiple oversight bodies.

Negative consequences These negative consequences, he explained, include delays in issuing permits and disruptions to procedures.

The centralisation of oversight functions is intended to address these issues.

The proposal is expected to generate significant debate in parliament, with its proponents arguing for increased efficiency and transparency in government operations.