*** Bahrain Forms National Committee to Combat Chronic Diseases as Part of World Heart Day Efforts | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Forms National Committee to Combat Chronic Diseases as Part of World Heart Day Efforts

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@Newsofbahrain.com

The Kingdom of Bahrain is intensifying its efforts to combat chronic non-communicable diseases with the formation of a National Committee by the Ministry of Health. The committee, which includes health experts and representatives from both government and private sectors, has been tasked with creating comprehensive plans and programs aimed at curbing the spread of diseases like cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

Announced in conjunction with the celebration of World Heart Day, which falls on September 29th each year, the committee’s focus will be on promoting healthy lifestyles across Bahrain. This includes encouraging physical activity, reducing smoking rates, addressing unhealthy diets, and tackling obesity—key risk factors contributing to heart disease.

World Heart Day's theme for this year, "Use Heart for Action," serves as a reminder of the critical importance of heart health. The campaign stresses the union between physical and psychological well-being, highlighting how a healthy mind and body can contribute to professional success and a society free of illness. The theme also calls for a collective, united approach to tackling heart health issues, urging everyone to take steps to reduce their personal risks.

The Ministry of Health’s initiative aligns with Bahrain’s broader public health goals, aiming not only to raise awareness but also to improve long-term outcomes through prevention programs and health education. The committee's work will center on mobilizing resources and support from both sectors to develop preventive measures and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, which are a leading cause of death worldwide.

The formation of this committee comes at a critical time, as non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular issues, continue to pose major health challenges. The Ministry is confident that through collaborative efforts and proactive strategies, Bahrain can make significant progress in creating a healthier, more resilient society.

As Bahrain celebrates World Heart Day, the Ministry encourages citizens and residents to take part in heart health activities, make healthier lifestyle choices, and participate in awareness campaigns across the country.