*** Man’s jail term reduced for arson in mother’s car fire | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man’s jail term reduced for arson in mother’s car fire

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

The High Appeals Court has reduced the sentence of a 24-year-old man from six to three months in prison for deliberately setting fire to his mother’s car, as well as another vehicle.

The victim, who is also the defendant’s mother, had previously waived her right to pursue criminal charges against him.

The Public Prosecution accused the defendant of intentionally igniting a fire in the property owned by his mother and another individual, thereby endangering the lives and property of others.

The victim, a 46-year-old woman, testified that her other son informed her about the incident on the day it occurred, relaying that neighborhood children had seen the defendant starting a fire in her vehicle.

Flames She immediately rushed outside and discovered her car damaged by the flames. Additionally, a neighbor informed her that her son had poured a flammable substance on the vehicle.

The neighbor also reported that a child from the neighborhood witnessed the defendant heading to a petrol station to fill a container with gasoline.

Witness Another witness testified that restaurant workers had told him someone was responsible for setting the car on fire.

He rushed outside, saw the fire, and used a fire extinguisher from his vehicle to put it out.

When he inquired about the cause of the fire, he was informed that the defendant was the one who had started it.