*** Bahraini Court Orders Wife to Repay Spousal Support After Refusing to Return Home | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Court Orders Wife to Repay Spousal Support After Refusing to Return Home

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: anchalo@newsofbahrain.com

A Bahraini woman has been ordered to repay spousal support payments she received since 2022 after she defied a court ruling mandating her return to her marital home. The recent decision from the High Sharia Appeals Court underscores the legal repercussions of a wife's noncompliance with court orders regarding family matters.

According to attorney Taqi Hussain Taqi, the case involved a couple with multiple children. The wife left the marital home without legal justification, prompting the court to issue an initial order for her to return. This ruling was upheld on appeal and enforced by the execution court.

Despite the court's final and binding order, the wife continued to refuse to return to her husband's residence, leading to the recent ruling that requires her to repay the spousal support she has received during her absence.

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