*** Stronger Than Cancer Walkathon: A Heartwarming Success | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Stronger Than Cancer Walkathon: A Heartwarming Success

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: anchalo@newsofbahrain.com

The ‘Stronger Than Cancer Walkathon’ brought smiles and a sense of community to Water Garden City on September 27, 2024, as 740 participants from various organizations in Bahrain united for this important cause.

Organized by the Filipino Club Bahrain, the event was inspired by a Childhood Cancer Awareness session held at the Philippine Embassy in Manama in partnership with SMILE Bahrain, an organization dedicated to supporting children with cancer and their families.

The success of this fundraising initiative was made possible by the support of Mr. Yusuf Lori, Director of Information and Follow-Up at the Capital Governorate, who facilitated the necessary approvals for the event. Special thanks also go to Mr. Jehad, Project Manager of Water Garden City, as well as the dedicated officers of the Filipino Club Bahrain, led by Ms. Rosemarie Hernandez, along with all participants, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers who went above and beyond for this noble cause that impacts countless lives.

On October 2, 2024, the proceeds from the event were presented at the Philippine Embassy, attended by Ambassador H.E. Anne Jaladon-on Louis and members of the Filipino Club Bahrain Executive Committee. Notable attendees included Ms. Reham and board members Mr. Saijad Alqallaf and Dr. Amal Alqallaf from SMILE, underscoring the heartwarming acceptance of not just the financial contributions but also the uplifting message of hope and support for children bravely fighting cancer.

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