*** History will record that people have thwarted malicious bids | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

History will record that people have thwarted malicious bids

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said that Bahrain would be recorded in history as the first country in the region to be targeted as evil intentions had been lurking out to drag it into a state of anarchy.

“History will also record that the Bahraini people have thwarted all such malicious intentions, eliminated the plots and rallied behind the leadership thanks to its awareness, cohesion and patriotism,” Prince Khalifa commented during a meeting with intellectuals, media persons and senior state officials here at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday.

“This is not to praise our people, but to convey a lesson to the coming generations. They should know that the Bahraini people, from all its segments, have been, throughout history, fortified against attempts to fragment its national unity through playing on the sectarian chord, and therefore it set itself as a role model in unity and patriotism and history repeats itself,” HRH Premier elaborated.

 Prince Khalifa remarked that Bahrain would always remain strong thanks to the wisdom of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and its citizens’ cohesion and keenness to develop their nation. 

HRH Premier also expressed regret over the fact the region had been dragged into conflicts in an attempt to distract the Arab Nation from the Palestinian cause to other secondary matters. “The Palestinian issue will remain the first cause for the Arab and Islamic nations until it is resolved.”

Commenting that there was still hope to achieve Gulf Union, Prince Khalifa wished the 36th Summit of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), to be inaugurated in Riyadh today. HRH the Premier also lauded the role played by the Press in highlighting the ‘pulse of society’.

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