*** BIS Celebrates Gandhi Jayanti with Inspiring Assemblies and Performances | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BIS Celebrates Gandhi Jayanti with Inspiring Assemblies and Performances

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@newsobahrain.com

In a heartfelt tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s enduring legacy, Bhavans Bahrain Indian School (BIS) commemorated Gandhi Jayanti with a series of engaging activities that brought together students across various grades.

The celebrations aimed to honor the principles of peace, non-violence, and unity that Gandhi championed.

The event kicked off with a special assembly conducted by the kindergarteners, who captivated the audience with a patriotic song and a vibrant dance performance highlighting the significance of the charkha—a symbol of self-reliance central to Gandhi’s philosophy.


The young performers beautifully embodied the values of simplicity and hard work that Gandhi promoted throughout his life.

Students from Grades 1 and 2 showcased their creativity in a poster-making activity, expressing their understanding of Gandhi’s teachings through colorful artwork.

Their contributions reflected the lasting impact of Gandhi’s message on today’s youth and underscored the relevance of his ideas in the modern world.

The highlight of the celebration was a thoughtfully orchestrated assembly by Grade 4 students. They inspired the audience with powerful quotes and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, emphasizing the importance of peace and non-violence.


A captivating skit depicting the historic Salt March of 1930 followed, vividly illustrating Gandhi’s leadership and the courage of those who stood against oppression. The skit served as a reminder of the power of unity and peaceful resistance in the fight for justice.

The atmosphere was further enlivened with a lively dance performance that blended traditional and contemporary styles, celebrating Indian culture and the spirit of unity. The performance resonated with the audience, leaving everyone inspired and uplifted.


BIS Principal, Mr. Saji Jacob, addressed the gathering with a heartfelt speech, reinforcing the significance of Gandhi’s values in everyday life. Directors Mr. Himanshu Verma and Mrs. Ritu Verma also encouraged students to embody the qualities of compassion, integrity, and resilience that Gandhi exemplified.