*** Al Dhaen, Al Rumaihi clash for Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee chairmanship | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Al Dhaen, Al Rumaihi clash for Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee chairmanship

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: editor@newsobahrain.com

Could a former ally become a key rival? Just days before the new parliamentary session, MP Maryam Al Dhaen’s potential bid for the chairmanship of the powerful Foreign Affairs, Defence, and National Security Committee challenges the incumbent, Abdullah Al Rumaihi.

Last year, Al Dhaen’s support helped Al Rumaihi secure the position in a dramatic tie-breaker vote.

Now, with at least two other MPs eyeing the leadership role, the contest is set to intensify as the committee tackles pressing regional developments.

The race for control of the committee has ignited tensions in parliament, with four out of seven MPs competing for the chairmanship.

Last year’s vote ended in a draw, and this round appears equally unpredictable, with key figures positioning themselves for the role.

Position Al Rumaihi, the youngest member of the Council, currently occupies the position, having claimed it last year in a contest against Mohammed Al Maarafi, who has since transferred to the Financial Affairs Committee.

This time, Al Rumaihi faces off against Hassan Bu Khammas, the former chair from the previous legislative term.

Both candidates see the chairmanship as a potential pathway to greater power within the Council. Sources inside parliament have hinted that Al Dhaen and Jameel Mulla Hassan, who was previously considered for the role, may also enter the fray, potentially complicating matters further.

Candidacy Al Dhaen’s entry could disrupt Al Rumaihi’s chances, as her candidacy would likely fracture the support that secured his win last year. With her in the race, he risks losing crucial backing.

The previous session saw a surprising turn of events when the vote ended in a deadlock, with both Al Rumaihi and Al Maarafi receiving three votes each.

A single blank ballot forced the outcome to be decided by drawing lots — a peculiar incident that continues to influence this year’s competition.

Critical With the committee facing urgent regional developments, the role of chair is now more critical than ever.

Whoever wins will need strong support from colleagues to steer the committee through the challenges ahead. The result of the race will shape the committee’s path in the months.