*** Worker wins BD8,000 after unlawful dismissal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Worker wins BD8,000 after unlawful dismissal

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@newsobahrain.com

After more than two years of fighting for unpaid wages, a Bahraini worker has won a case against his former employer. A court ordered the company to pay him over BD8,000 in back pay, damages, and fines for wrongful dismissal.

The ruling came after the worker, who had been sacked without just cause following three years of service, took legal action. The court heard that he had an open-ended contract with a monthly wage of BD500 but had not received his pay regularly from October 2021 to March 2024.

Represented by lawyer Ali Al Qaseer, he sought pay for the delayed wages, unused annual leave, wrongful dismissal, notice pay, and legal interest from the date the payment was due.

The employer claimed it had trouble meeting payroll due to lower income and fewer orders. They also argued that the amounts claimed by the worker did not match their records and insisted that he had left verbally.

Al Qaseer countered this by stating that the worker had been let go after repeatedly asking for his unpaid wages. The court found that the worker had been wrongly sacked, as there was no doubt about the work ties, and the company failed to give a valid reason for his dismissal.